Chopped Bigsby sets for sale

So this is your opportunity to get yourself a cool(er) way of setting up your tremolo system.

I’ve always thought the B5/B50 to be an ugly design stain on a guitar, like the only alternative as an afterthought on a flat or mildly arched guitar.

So, for $200 delivered in the USA, I’ll send you:

A chopped Bigsby B5. Shortened, screw hole drilled in the spring base and nicely polished.
A Towner tension bar.
Inserts and studs to retain the Towner. ($10 off the total if your guitar already has a TOM style stop tailpiece).
Variations on the theme are accepted, just PM me and ask.
If you already have a B5/B50 you want chopped, I can do that for you.